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Academic Guidelines and Opportunities

Clintondale High School only offers full-time enrollment. All students must carry a minimum of six (6) classes each semester to be considered a full time student.

Advanced Placement: The Advanced Placement (AP) Program is a cooperative educational endeavor of secondary schools, colleges, and the College Board. High school students that take AP exams may earn college credit, appropriate placement, or both, for satisfactory performance on AP exams depending on which college or university the student will attend. AP courses are intended to be the equivalent of a college-level freshman course. It is expected that students taking an AP course understand that these courses are far more demanding and rigorous than a regular high school course.

Articulation: Beginning with the 1997-98 school year, Clintondale High School has entered into agreements with Baker College, Macomb Community College and other state articulated colleges/universities whereby students may earn credit for both institutions while satisfactorily completing the course requirements of courses at Clintondale High School.  Contact the counseling office for further information.

C2 Pipeline: A partnership with Wayne State University, C2 Pipeline is a 21st Century Community Learning Center funded program through the Michigan Department of Education. C2 Pipeline operates in 24 Metro Detroit schools with the goal of college and career readiness. In order to achieve that goal, the staff of C2 Pipeline uses hands-on, project-based learning activities in the fields of science, technology, engineering and math (S.T.E.M.) to engage students. An emphasis is placed on careers in S.T.E.M and the healthcare profession. C2 Pipeline has several collaborating partners in the Metro Detroit area that are helping accomplish this goal.

Class For Credit: A credit (CR) grade may be received under certain circumstances, which will indicate that the student remained in the class for the entire designated time, and will not be computed as part of the GPA.

Class Rank: Class rank is determined at the end of each semester using the student’s cumulative GPA. The ranking is cumulative and includes all high school semester final grades for students at each grade level. Class Rank is determined beginning with the end of the first semester of Junior Year.

Credit Recovery: Credit recovery courses are available online through Edmentum and may only be registered through the counseling office. Students should contact their school counselor if they are in need of credit recovery to find out about the options available.

Dropping Courses: Students cannot drop subjects without agreement and permission of the counselor, parent, and administrator.  Students dropping subjects without permission will be given a failure on the permanent record for the subject dropped. Students dropped from a class after the third week of the semester will receive an F grade on their permanent record.

Dual Enrollment: Dual enrollment students have the opportunity to dual enroll at a local college while they are still in high school. Students can qualify for dual enrollment by passing the Macomb Community College placement test. All students must also meet the Michigan state qualifying test scores. Students should contact their school counselor for more information if they are interested in dual enrollment courses. 

Early College: In cooperation with Macomb Community College and the Macomb Area Intermediate School District. This opportunity will begin in the fall of a student’s junior year and there is an extensive application process. This is a five-year high school program, which allows for the earning of a High School Diploma in conjunction with up to 62 college credits. Interested students should schedule an appointment with their counselor by sophomore year to see if they qualify for this program, applications are due each year in early March.

Educational Development Plans: An EDP is a plan of action in which a learner records a career goal and an educational path to achieve it. This enables each learner to develop a unique, ongoing record of career planning based on thoughtfully selected and attainable career goals and educational options that provide guidance in taking effective steps to enter a career of choice. CHS has adopted Michigan’s six career pathways and has developed a plan for helping students explore, plan, and apply what they have learned toward a variety of career options. Counselors will work with all 9th-12th grade students each school year on their individualized EDP.

Exam For Credit: Students may receive credit in the class if they pass a comprehensive exam with a C+ or higher grade.  The student shall receive a CR (credit), which will not affect their overall GPA.

Course Catalog

In compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Section 504 of Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, Title II of the Americans with Disability Act of 1990, and Elliott-Larsen Civil Rights Act of 1977, it is the policy of Clintondale Community Schools that no person shall, on the basis of race, color, religion, military status, national origin or ancestry, sex (including sexual orientation), disability, age (except as authorized by law), height, weight, or marital status be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to, discrimination during any program, activity, service or in employment. If you have any questions or need to contact someone about discrimination of any kind in the school district, contact the Superintendent at 35100 Little Mack, Clinton Township, Michigan 48035.