Key Club
Key Club is a student-led High School organization, sponsored by our Clinton Valley Kiwanis Club. Our goal is to provide for the needs of our community and beyond!
Our Mission Statement: Key Club is an international, student-led organization that provides its members with opportunities to provide service, build character and develop leadership.
What is Key Club: The core values of Key Club International are leadership, character building, caring and inclusiveness.
Key Club is the oldest and largest student-led service organization for high school students.
Unlike other school clubs, Key Club focuses primarily on volunteerism and community service. The main goal is to develop leadership skills by serving others and the community.
Why Should I Join Key Club: Key Club assists Kiwanis in carrying out its mission to serve the children of the world. High school student members of Key Club perform acts of service in their communities, such as cleaning up parks, collecting clothing and organizing food drives & monthly fundraisers
Scholarships Opportunities: Clinton Valley Kiwanis awards $1,000 scholarships to two graduating seniors who are Key Club members at Clintondale High School.
Dues and Meetings: Annual dues for students is $15, paid through fundraising. Meetings are held after school every week. The Key Club consists of student officers and student members: President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Secretary, and Webmaster and student members. Member elections are at the end of the school year for in-coming new Officers. There is always a Key Club Advisor who is an employee of Clintondale High School to oversee the fundraisers & meetings.
Yearly Convention: Key Club Members are encouraged to attend the 2 ½ day convention with other Michigan Key Club students. This is an excellent learning time to become a better person in the community. Fundraisers help with the cost for the convention. Parents are asked to go also as supervisors.
- Canned food drives for our community in need.
- Gratiot Clean-Up.
- Go to Soup Kitchens, such as Capuchin Soup Kitchen & help serve food to the community for lunch.
- Attend the Glen Peters School Harvest Dance and Spring Fling Dance.
- As a group, we help assist students with special needs by serving lunch, dancing & playing to help students enjoy their day.
- School fundraisers for students and staff: Monthly Bake Sales; Candy Sales; Little Caesars Pizza Kits; Kiwanis Nut Sale.
Our goal of the fundraisers is for all Key Club members to go to the annual Michigan High School Key Club Convention.
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